2016-17 Reaffirmation of Accreditation
The Structure
We will use a committee structure to complete the Assurance Review, ensuring broad participation across the university. Roles and responsibilities for the primary committees are described below.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee includes selected individuals representing key campus units and governance groups. The Committee’s primary role is to oversee and guide the comprehensive evaluation.
The Committee
The Steering Committee includes members of the Chancellor’s Senior Administrative Team plus representatives from Faculty Senate and ASUN.
Deans Council
The Deans Council includes all academic deans representing all UNL colleges. The Deans Council’s charge is to support and promote the review process as an institutional priority within the respective colleges.
The Council
The Deans Council includes all academic deans representing all UNL colleges.
Accreditation Leadership Team
The Leadership Team, which includes the Accreditation Liaison Coordinator and members of the Senior Vice Chancellor’s administrative team, is charged with assisting the work of the Criterion Work Groups.
The Team
- Ellen Weissinger, Senior Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
- Laurie Bellows, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
- Amy Goodburn, Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
- Renee Batman, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
Accreditation Liaison Coordinator
The Accreditation Liaison Coordinator is responsible for organizing and promoting the comprehensive evaluation.
The Coordinator
Laurie Bellows, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
HLC Criterion Work Groups
Five Work Groups have been formed, one for each criterion. These Work Groups will be charged with the responsibility of developing the Assurance Argument and identifying and collecting evidentiary materials for the Evidence File. More specifically, the Work Groups will be asked to
1. Criterion One
Chair: Renee Batman
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
2. Criterion Two
Chair: Steve Goddard
Associate Vice Chancellor, Research and Economic Development
John E. Olsson Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
3. Criterion Three
Chair: Amy Goodburn
Professor, English
Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
4. Criterion Four
Chair: Nancy Mitchell
Professor, Advertising
Director, Undergraduate Studies
5. Criterion Five
Chair: Bill Nunez
Director, Institutional Research and Planning
Associate to the Chancellor
Federal Compliance Work Group
Work group members will be asked to evaluate the university’s compliance with federal guidelines and provide brief narrative responses and supporting documentation where necessary. They will work with the Accreditation Liaison Coordinator to inform campus leadership of any issues related to compliance and make recommendations for addressing these issues.
The Work Group
Federal Compliance Work Group
Chair: James Volkmer
Assistant Dean, Academic Services and Enrollment Management
Data Support Team
Selected staff members will be identified to form a data support team to assist the Criterion Work Groups in defining, locating, collecting, and graphically presenting the required data or documents needed for the Evidence File.
The Team
- Dottie Harrell, Programmer/Analyst, Institutional Research and Planning
- Erin Paseka, Graduate Data Systems Specialist, Graduate Studies
- Vanessa Roof, Research Analyst, Academic Affairs
Communications Support Team
Team members will assist Leadership Team with all communications related to comprehensive evaluation (web site updates, UNL Today, Scarlet, social media, etc.).
The Team
- Steve Smith (chair), News Director, University Communications
- Jill Brown, Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, External Relations
- Christopher Dulak, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications, Campus Recreation
- Keith Shelley, Web Designer, Academic Affairs
- Tyler Thomas, Social Media Specialist and Content Coordinator, University Communications
Proposed Timeline
Planning for the 2016-2017 HLC Reaffirmation of Accreditation has begun. At the start of the spring 2015 semester, Criterion Work Groups convened to review the Criterion for Accreditation and to develop a work agenda, with the goal of completing the Assurance Argument and Evidence File by Summer 2015.
2013-2014 | Quality Initiative year one |
2014-2015 | Quality Initiative year two |
July 2014 | Assurance Coordinator reviews previous UNL accreditation reports and reports from similar institutions; drafts Accreditation plan |
August 2014 | Steering Committee members identified; Criterion Team Leaders identified; Chancellor provides charge to Steering Committee and Criterion Team Leaders |
August 2014 | Accreditation Plan submitted to SVCAA for review |
September 2014 | Accreditation Plan submitted to HLC Liaison |
September 2014 | Forum with senior administrators and Dean’s Council to introduce Accreditation Plan |
Accreditation Plan revised as necessary | |
Spring 2015 | HLC notification of dates of site visit. Alert administrators, deans of site visit time to reserve space on calendars; outline time frame for reserving hotel space, meetings rooms, other arrangements for the site visit. |
September 2014 | Criterion Chairs selected |
Councils and Committee presentations begin | |
October 2014 | Web site developed for UNL Open Pathways Reaffirmation of Accreditation; regularly updated with information about accreditation process |
November 2014 | ACE 10 assessments due. Biennial program assessment reports due |
January 2015 | Work Group Retreat |
Jan 2015-April 2015 | Criterion Teams work on Assurance Arguments, identifying evidence, developing early drafts |
March 2015 | Leadership Team representatives attend HLC annual meeting |
April 2015 | Leadership Team/Steering Committee reviews draft reports from Criterion Teams; provide feedback |
May 2015 | Criterion Work Groups complete review and analyses of criterion, produce final drafts of assurance arguments claims |
June 2015 | Criterion Work Chairs finalize drafts of assurance arguments claims and submit to HLC Editor. |
April – August 2015 | Assurance Argument edited and reviewed. |
November 2015 | ACE program review |
January - March 2016 | Campus reviews Assurance Review, provides comments. Provide opportunity for public comments |
August 2016 | Quality Initiative report submitted |
April 2016 | Distribute online student opinion survey |
April-June 2016 | Final review of Assurance Review by university administration |
July 2016 | Final version of Assurance Review ready for review team |
Summer 2016 | Site visit arrangements completed |
October 24 & 25, 2016 | HLC site visit |
Spring 2017 | Criterion Work Groups review Peer Reviewers report and recommendations |
Chancellor received draft of Peer Reviewers report from HLC, shares with SVCAA and steering committee to review draft report for correction of errors of fact | |
Final report reviewed and institutional response provided | |
HLC action(s) communicated to campus stakeholders; celebrate achievements, recognize students, staff, faculty and administrators who participated and contributed to the process; review/discuss final report; set goals for continuous improvement |
Engaging UNL Stakeholders
One of the goals of the comprehensive evaluation is to solicit broad participation by representative and diverse constituencies in gathering evidence for the assurance review, analyzing institutional performance, and reviewing conclusions and recommendations. We will accomplish this goal using the following strategies:
Focused group discussions during academic years 2014-15 and 2015-16
The site visit will involve open discussions with UNL stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, community leaders, and Regents; therefore, it’s important to engage the campus early and often to prepare them for such conversations.
Survey of Student Opinion
HLC will conduct a student opinions survey to inform the peer review team and help them identify possible questions for meetings with faculty, staff, and students during the visit. The survey supports the Commissions efforts to make the accreditation process more open and transparent.
Forums for public comment
Opportunities for input, feedback, and public comment on the Assurance Filing will be solicited through small group discussions with key stakeholders and through a commenting feature on the accreditation web site
Responding to the Report
Reaffirmation of accreditation is an iterative process. Responding to the report closes the loop.
Recognize achievement of reaffirmation of accreditation and thank all those who contributed to the process.
Take stock
Review Commission’s report; share with stakeholders; evaluate information; discuss and use results to develop, nurture, and improve key initiatives.
Set goals for continuous improvement