2016-17 Reaffirmation of Accreditation
Work Group Retreat
On January 7, 2015, over 65 UNL faculty, staff, and students attended the HLC Reaffirmation of Accreditation Retreat, held at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center. The morning session provided a brief overview of the reaffirmation process, expectations, and key milestones as well as some strategies for building an argument and gathering evidence. A small group discussion offered an opportunity for team members to identify themes that best illustrate UNL’s success story.
The afternoon session provided focused time for the Work Group teams to develop their plan for addressing the Criterion and Federal Compliance requirements. The retreat closed with a brief recap of the team discussions and key action items.
Nebraska Innovation Campus
Andre Fortune
Director Jackie Gaughn Multicultural Center, Academic Success and Intercultural Services
Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Chuck Hibberd
Professor, Animal Science
Dean, Nebraska Extension
Gwen Bachman
Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Jane Schneider
Fellowship Specialist, Graduate Studies
President, University of Nebraska Office Personnel Association
Matt Joeckel
Professor, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Associate Director, School of Natural Resource Sciences
Monica Norby
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Research and Economic Development
Rick Alloway
Associate Professor, Broadcasting
Ray Hames
Professor, Anthropology
Susan Levine Ourada
Associate Professor, School of Music
Recent Documents
Adam Thompson
Assistant Director, Ethics Center
Graduate student, Philosophy
Dan Hoyt
Professor, Sociology
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Erin Blankenship
Professor, Statistics
Julia Torquati
Professor, Child,
Layton Brooks
Director, Employee Relations, Human Resources
Matt Hecker
Dean of Students, Student Affairs
Neal Bryan
Associate Director, Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Development, Graduate Studies
Richard Morrell
University Registrar
Alvin Banks
Academic Counselor, Athletics
Bill Watts
Director, University Advising and Career Services
Carl Nelson
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Charlene Maxey-Harris
Chair and Associate Professor, University Libraries
Deepak Keshwani
Assistant Professor, Biological Systems Engineering
Derek Niewohner
Graduate student, Journalism & Mass Communications
Representative, Association of Students at the University of Nebraska
Don Lee
Professor, Agronomy & Horticulture
Heath Tuttle
Director, Learning and Emerging Technology and Analytics, Information Technology Services
Jody Kellas
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
Marie Barber
Executive Director, Online and Distance Education
Marilyne Stains
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Mark Pegg
Professor, School of Natural Resource Sciences
Patty Sollars
Associate Professor, Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Tonia Durden
Assistant Professor, Child, Youth and Family Studies
Valery Forbes
Director and Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Veronica Riepe
Director, Student Involvement
Recent Documents
Allan Donsig
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Beth Doll
Professor, Educational Psychology
Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Sciences
Beth Theiss-Morse
Willa Cather Professor, Political Science
Debbie Minter
Associate Professor, English
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Frauke Hachtmann
Professor, Advertising
Jeff Rudy
Associate Professor of Practice, Nutrition and Health Sciences
John Markwell
Professor, Biochemistry
Associate Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Linda Major
Assistant to the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Sohrab Asgarpoor
Professor, Electrical Engineering
Tiffany Heng-Moss
Professor, Entomology
Associate Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Recent Documents
Brad Sheriff
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
Bruce Currin
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Diana Pilson
Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences
Jennifer Dam
Assistant Director, Campus Planning and Space Management
Jennifer Lesoing-Lucs
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Business and Finance
Kathy Farrell
Chair and State Farm Professor, Finance
Lance Pérez
Professor, Electrical Engineering
Dean, Graduate Studies
Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
Mary Werner
Associate Director, Institutional Research & Planning
Michael Ruhrdanz
Director of Infrastructure & Operations, Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources
Nathan Meier
Director of Research Strategy, Research and Economic Development
Ron Yoder
Professor, Biological Systems Engineering
Associate Vice Chancellor, Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources
Vicki Highstreet
Associate Director, Campus Recreation
Representative, University Association for Administrative Development
Recent Documents
FC. Federal Compliance Work Group
Chair: James Volkmer
Assistant Dean, Academic Services and Enrollment Management
Aaron Dominguez
Professor, Physics & Astronomy
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Arturo Perez
Associate Director, Institutional Equity and Compliance
Jamie Vaughn
Associate Athletic Director-Compliance, Athletics
Kay Dinkelman
Associate Director, Scholarships & Financial Aid
Mary LaGrange
Controller, Accounting
Michael Maas
Compliance/Accreditation Manager
University Police
Steve Booton
Associate Registrar, University Registrar
Recent Documents
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