Discontinuing (mothballing) a program will inactivate the program for a temporary period of time. The University is still authorized to offer the program and issue the associated credential, but the program quits accepting new students, will be removed from recruitment and marketing materials, application for admission and catalog. Currently enrolled students in the program continue without any changes. The program can be revived with a written request, and supporting letter from the Dean.
Why Discontinue a Program?
Consider discontinuing a program while determining if the program is needed, while making significant changes to curriculum, experiencing changes in faculty which make it difficult to offer the courses needed, and/or while waiting for programs that are pending deletion to complete the process.
How to Discontinue a Program
To discontinue (mothball) your program, send a memo to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor for undergraduate programs, to the Office of Graduate Studies for graduate programs that includes the following information:
- Justification for the discontinuation
- Number of students currently active in the program and how the discontinuation will affect them
- Proposed start and end date for temporary discontinuation of the program
- Documented support from department and college
Following approval to discontinue an undergraduate program, the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor will notify the offices of the University Registrar, Undergraduate Admissions, Undergraduate Education Programs, Scholarships and Financial Aid, and Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics.
Following approval to discontinue a graduate program, the Office of Graduate Studies will update program summaries, the application for admission and graduate catalog, and notify the offices of the Executive Vice Chancellor, University Registrar, Scholarships and Financial Aid, and Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics.