Academic Units

Step One

Identify the unit for which an action will be taken.

Learn more about the types of units below:


An academic unit with a focus on several closely related academic disciplines usually comprised of at least two or more departments and/or programs.

Administrative Unit

Organizational units that do not house academic programs.


Academic departments require an individual budget, an administrative officer, an authorized faculty, and a set of courses leading to undergraduate and/or graduate degrees.


Along with the requirements for a department, schools generally have a number of distinct programs and degrees offered within the unit.


The organization of major interdisciplinary and/or intercampus organizational entities (e.g., schools, major divisions, collection of departments) organized to create partnerships with external organizations; enhance university research and outreach; develop new funding patterns; address emerging multidisciplinary educational needs; or address other emerging problems and issues. A center will have an identifiable budget associated with assigned FTEs of faculty and/or research or other professional staff. Centers have an interdisciplinary breadth encompassing commitment of funding and faculty time from more than one department.

Step Two

Determine the programmatic action you want to take.


Creating a new unit is one that does not exist in an existing organizational unit and includes establishing a budget and faculty. A substantial modification of an existing unit may constitute creating a new unit.


Modifying an academic unit is a reasonable and moderate extension of an existing unit. Examples of modifications include name changes or change in organizational reporting.


Merging academic units involves combining two or more existing units without altering the tenure and rank status of faculty members.


Deleting an academic unit will require eliminating or transferring faculty, staff and programs. When deleting a center, the previous activity and funding ends.

Step Three

Download and complete the proposal template.

All proposals require a supporting transmittal memo from the dean or vice chancellor, if applicable.

Academic Units

Including colleges, departments, and schools

Create Modify Merge Delete

Academic and Research Centers

Including institutes and bureaus

Create Modify Delete

Administrative Unit

Units without academic programs


Step Four

Review the timeline for transmittal and approval of all unit actions.

Timeline of approval process

Step Five

Transmit the proposal and supporting documents.

EVC Units: Send the complete set of materials to Renee Batman, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief Administrative Officer, via email.

IANR Units: Send the complete set of materials to Rich Bischoff, Associate Vice Chancellor, via email.

ORED Units: Send the complete set of materials to Becky Zavala, Assistant Vice Chancellor, via email.

Checkmark icon

Include a memo from the college dean, or highest authority, with an original signature, confirming that department and college approvals are in place.

Email icon

Submit electronically via email, formatted as follows: proposal as Word, any budget tables as Excel, and any supporting letters, appendices, and other documents as PDF.

Step Six

Be prepared for questions and revisions throughout the process.

The proposer and/or dean will be the point of contact regarding questions on proposals. The Academic Planning Committee and Board of Regents may request additional information or ask clarifying questions. The Board may ask that a representative from the unit attend the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education’s meeting in which the proposal will be discussed. The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor will provide the proposer with as much notice as possible if a physical presence is desired.

Step Seven

Check mark graphic

Receive notification of process completion (approval, if required) and take action.

Upon completion of the review and approval process, the units below will be notified. Notification will come from the appropriate vice chancellor. Notification of approval is the green light to implement the unit actions.

  • Proposer
  • Dean(s)
  • Executive Vice Chancellor
  • Vice Chancellor, IANR
  • Vice Chancellor, ORED
  • Vice Chancellor, Business and Finance
  • Graduate Education
  • Undergraduate Education
  • Academic Services and Enrollment Management
  • Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics
  • Facilities, Management and Planning
  • Executive Campus Planning Committee


Contact Renee Batman, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief Administrative Officer at or 402-472-3751.