Approximately 1 in 4 University of Nebraska-Lincoln students identify as the first in their families to attend a four-year university. First-generation students often face obstacles in navigating the college experience because they don’t have prior family or community knowledge about the university experience to rely upon. First Generation Nebraska helps level the playing field by connecting first-generation students to mentoring, resources, and opportunities they need to make the most of their college experience.
First-Gen Student Information First-Gen Faculty/Staff Information

3 Questions with Chancellor-emeritus Ronnie Green | First-Gen Huskers
In celebration of National First-Gen Day, Chancellor-emeritus Ronnie Green asked first-generation college students Shaw Riggs and Meylin Espinoza three questions. What's it like to be a First-Gen student? What kind of words of advice would you give to future first-generation students? How did the First Husker Program help shape your experience here at Nebraska? Watch video.
First-Gen Student Support and Resources
First-Gen Student Organization
First Husker Program
First-Gen Faculty and Staff
Acknowledging first-generation status as part of one's identity might seem a small thing, but it can be critical to students' success, helping them easily identify faculty and staff who can relate to particular challenges they might be facing. First Generation Nebraska invites faculty and staff who were first-generation college students themselves or who wish to serve as advocates for first-generation students to participate..
How can Faculty and Staff Participate?
Sign up for our mailing list and then visit CAST to pick up a First Generation Nebraska Button and office placard. Faculty and staff are encouraged to display the placard on their office doors and wear the FGN button to help first-generation students identify individuals who are receptive to sharing their own experiences.
In addition, you will be invited to participate in social events with first-generation students and workshops for faculty and staff focused on how to meet the needs of First-Gen students in and outside of the classroom.

How to Participate
Reading Group
Show Support
First-generation Advisory Board
The advisory board — comprised of faculty, staff and students — develops, implements and assesses First Generation Nebraska programs and events. The advisory board meets three times a semester during the academic year and during the summer as needed. The term of service is for two consecutive academic years.