Association for Women in Science

Association for

Women in Science

student in bio tech lab

Our Mission

To create a campus culture to increase participation and impact of women in all areas of STEM and at all levels in the academy and the broader scientific community. 

All UNL faculty, staff, and students are welcome to become AWIS members and participate in AWIS programming.

Wondering what AWIS is all about? Watch an overview to learn more about AWIS and how your financial support helps us to drive excellence in STEM by achieving equity and full participation of women in all disciplines and across all employment sectors.

Are you looking for a position or a place to post your CV/resume? Access the AWIS Career Center where you can find STEM jobs to advance your career. Over 300 AWIS members have taken advantage of this opportunity to highlight their skills and experience.

Become an AWIS Member

Join Here

All UNL faculty, staff, students are eligible to become AWIS members. Please use your UNL address on your AWIS account to receive benefits under our Institutional Membership. If you are faculty or staff, please select ‘Institution Employee’; if you are a student, please select ‘Collegiate Representative’.

AWIS Association for Women in Science Valued Partner logo

UNL AWIS Activities

The UNL AWIS affiliate sponsors two programs every year. 

  • In the Fall semester, the affiliate sponsors a national researcher/leader to address issues of importance to the "broader scientific community" as part of UNL Research Days in November. 
  • In the Spring semester, the affiliate sponsors the Mary Bomberger Brown Pathways to Success Spring Workshop. These luncheons address a theme chosen by the affiliate, usually take place in April, and are open to all researchers. 

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Steering Committee Members

Georgina Bingham, Entomology

Amy Desaulniers, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Mark Griep, Chemistry (Chair)

Yusong Li, College of Engineering

Kate Lyons, School of Biological Sciences

Amanda Morales, Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Dan Novy, Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts

Rich Bischoff, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, ex officio

Deb Hamernik, Office of Research and Innovation, ex officio

Chris Marks, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, ex officio