They are used to attract, reward, and retain distinguished faculty, leaders, scholars, and artists of national and international reputation. Each fall, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs welcomes nominations for vacant professorships. Vacant Professorships will remain open until filled.
Name | Stipend | Discipline | Position | Description |
Willa Cather / Charles Bessey (Named) | $5,000 | Open | Full Professor | In recognition of distinguished scholarship or creative activity. Learn more about the Cather/Bessey Professorship |
John E. Weaver / Aaron Douglas (Named) | $5,000 | Open | Full Professor | In recognition of a sustained record of teaching excellence and national visibility for instructional activities/practice. Learn more about the Weaver/Douglas Professorship |
Susan J. Rosowski (Named) | $3,000 | Open | Associate Professor | In recognition of significant contributions in research and teaching and exceptional promise for future excellence. Learn more about the Rosowski Professorship |
Paula and D.B. Varner Professorship (University) | $15,000 | Open | Full Professor | In recognition of earned distinction as a teacher and scholar, and loyalty to the university through an extended period of service. Learn more about the Paula and D.B. Varner Professorship |

Willa Cather / Charles Bessey Professorship

Susan J. Rosowski Professorship

John E. Weaver / Aaron Douglas Professorship

Paula and D.B. Varner University Professorship
Nomination Instructions and Timeline
Please note that colleges, departments, and other administrative subunits may have additional deadlines to be observed.
Step 1: Nominations are submitted electronically to
Step 2: External references are contacted to add their letters to the files. Note that nominees/nominators should ensure the willingness of external references prior to submission of the professorship nomination materials
Step 3: Full dossiers, including external reference letters, are reviewed by the University Professorships Committee. The Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer, who makes recommendations to the Chancellor.
Spring: New professorship appointments are announced.
Nominations must include:
- Nominee form
- Abbreviated curriculum vitae (maximum 5 pages)
- Nomination letter outlining why the individual should be awarded the named professorship (maximum 3 pages). Nominators are encouraged to place the nominee's work into context, so that committee members from outside the nominee's field can appreciate the importance and impact of the nominee's contributions.
- Seconding letter (optional; maximum 3 pages). Seconders are encouraged to place the nominee's work into context, so that committee members from outside the nominee's field can appreciate the importance and impact of the nominee's contributions.
- In instances where neither the nominator nor the seconder is the candidate’s department chair, a brief letter of support from the chair is required. (maximum 1 page)
- In instances where neither the nominator nor the seconder is the candidate’s college dean, a brief letter of support from the dean is required. (maximum 1 page)
Nomination packets that do not comply to these instructions will be returned without review.
Only one nomination per category (Cather/Bessey, Weaver/Douglas, Rosowski, University) may be submitted by a department
Individuals may hold only one named professorship or chair with an associated stipend at any given time.
Beginning in 2024-25, new Cather/Bessey and Weaver/Douglas professorships will be awarded as non-renewable professorships with a five-year term. Holders are eligible to be re-nominated at the end of the five-year term. This change does not apply to professorships awarded prior to 2024-25.
Learn more about the Named Professorships, current holders and past recipients.
Learn more about the University Professorships, current holders and past recipients.
- George Holmes University Professorship
- Paula and D.B. Varner University Professorship
- James Hewett University Professorship
- Eugene W. Price University Professorship
- Charles J. Mach University Professorship
- Hillegass University Professorship
- William B. Allington University Professorship
- Mildred Francis Thompson University Professorship