Teaching | All activities related to teaching credit-generating courses, whether residential or distance, with regularly enrolled students and general student advising. Preparation for a course - Development of material for new courses and curricula
- Preparation of lectures and demonstrations
Time in the classroom (or equivalent for distance courses) - Instructing a recurring credit class or section of a class in a formal setting
- Supervision of students in independent study courses
Direct contact with students related to the course - Supervision of graduate students on thesis and dissertation research
- Interacting with students during office hours (or via distance)
Administrative duties related to the course - Supervision of teaching assistants
- Class rosters
- Thesis/Dissertation committees
Time spent in evaluations related to the course - Preparation of evaluation tools (exams, quizzes, assignments, etc.)
- Grading of exams/quizzes
- Evaluation of student-prepared documents and/or creative works
Activities related to improving general undergraduate instruction (excludes committee work) - Advising student clubs and groups
- Development of new learning experiences for students involving laboratories or computers (e.g.)
General advising of students on: - Enrollment issues
- General career choices
- General academic issues
- Advise to undergraduates about graduate school options
- Graduation checks
- Personal counseling related to academic issues, etc.
Research/Creative Activity | Activities associated with investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and/or interpretation of facts or ideas as well as the development of creative works or new products. - Creation of new knowledge through
- Experimentation
- Data analysis
- Library research
- Creation of dramatic, literary or artistic works
- Creation of professional books, book chapters, or monographs
- Creation of new products (e.g., computer programs, cultivars)
- Research or creative work directed at the generation of new knowledge or materials (e.g., paintings, poems, designs, etc.) for publication in professional journals, technical reports, other similar professional outlets (e.g., electronic media) or presentations at professional meetings.
- Preparation of grant proposals for funding
- Management of grant activities
- Supervision of post-doctoral research associates
Extension/Outreach (Public Service) | A form of scholarship that cuts across teaching, research, and service. It involves generating, transmitting, applying, and preserving knowledge for the direct benefit of external audiences in ways that are consistent with the university and unit missions. Outreach activities contribute to public welfare or the common good, call upon faculty members' academic and/or professional expertise and directly address or respond to real-world problems, issues, interests or concerns. In short, the organized application of a faculty member's professional expertise to problems and tasks both on-campus and outside the campus. Outreach includes dissemination of information to and other programming for the general public through written, oral, electronic, or other media. Activities make available institutional resources and expertise outside the context of the instructional program (extending the instructional program to a broader student clientele is included under teaching). |
Service (Citizenship) | Citizenship activities that contribute to the operation of the institution or of a disciplinary or professional organization. - Initiating, working on, and/or providing support for the goals, missions, or aspirations of:
- University of Nebraska
- Academic Affairs / IANR
- College / Division
- Department / Center
- Activities related to serving or chairing committees on issues or directives of these units
- Activities associated with such departmental functions as interviewing prospective faculty members, assisting in the development of department policies, tenure review, and so forth.
- Activities associated with shared governance, academic affairs, and other forms of institutional operation.
- Time spent in leadership roles in professional organizations outside of the University.
- Activities associated with Professional Groups, Leadership Positions, Journal Reviewer, etc.
(Does NOT include civic contributions such as election to office, jury duty, or volunteerism with religious, philanthropic and other nonprofit organizations.) |
Administration | Activities associated with the day-to-day management of the institution, its units and programs. - This category would include all college and departmental/unit activities that are associated with the administration functions of the instructional, research and service activities.
- It includes the activities of the college deans, the administrative activities of department heads or chairpersons and the activities of their associated support staff.
- It includes the executive level activities concerned with the overall management of and long-range planning for the institution.
- It consists of the activities related to the day-to-day financial management and fiscal operations.
- Activities that relate to the administration of personnel such as recruitment and hiring of faculty and staff and the administration of employee programs.
- Computer and data processing services that are needed to support the institution-wide administrative functions.
- Activities needed to maintain relations with the local community, alumni, governmental entities and the public in general.
- Activities related to maintaining existing grounds and facilities, providing utility services, facilities and space management and health and safety services.