The Board of Regents encourages faculty and staff to engage in professional activities outside the University as a means of contributing to the economic growth and development of the state as well as broadening their experience and keeping them abreast of the latest developments in their specialized fields; provided such activities do not interfere with their regular duties at the University, or represent a conflict of interest or commitment.

As an institution, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is committed to supporting its faculty and staff in pursuit of these endeavors. However, it’s necessary for faculty and staff to report outside professional activities and employment to protect a conflict of commitment which may cause a perceived bias in the effort that an employee of the university dedicates to UNL.

In order to engage in outside activity or employment, the Board of Regents requires answers to several questions pertaining to each activity prior to engagement in that activity or employment. The COI/COC Annual Disclosure form can be completed through NURamp at It provides a way to prevent perceived biases from affecting an employee’s institutional responsibilities. After you complete and submit the Interest and Outside Activity form, it is routed to the department chair, dean/director, vice chancellor and Research Compliance Services Office. E-mail notifications are sent if revisions are needed and once the form has been approved. The form is active for one year.

Approval is not required for each separate client or patient relationship for professionals such as accountants, engineers, architects, lawyers, psychologists, therapists, etc. It is sufficient that the nature of the outside professional activity be generally described so that appropriate evaluation may be conducted regarding potential interference with University duties, conflict of interest, and conflict of commitment. Approval is not required for office/service or temporary staff members who engage in outside activities or employment.

Reporting should include:

  • Professional Activity/Employment even if no payment or remuneration is received.
  • Professional Activity/Employment that takes place during the summer, even for faculty on an academic year or 9-month appointment.

Reporting does not need to include:

  • Activities for a professional organization or service to the profession, which would be considered as part of an employee's FTE, provided no financial benefit accrues to the employee.

The Board of Regents Bylaws and Policy documents related to outside activities and employments are listed below. They were last updated in September 2005.

Questions regarding outside activity and employment should be directed to an employee’s supervisor and/or vice chancellor’s office.