Case-based or Project-based Learning
- ACCT 455: Research and Communication in Accounting
- ADPR 429: Jacht Student Ad Agency
- ADPR 439: Student Competitions
- ADPR 489: Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns
- AGST 462: Managing Technology in Agricultural Systems
- ALEC 393: Digital Imaging and Storytelling in Agriculture and Natural Resources
- ANTH 475: Experimental Archaeology
- AREN 415: HVAC Design
- AREN 425: Lighting Design
- BRDC 429: Jacht Student Ad Agency
- BSEN 480: Design II in Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering
- CHME 430: Chemical Engineering Laboratory II
- CHME 453: Chemical Engineering Process Design and Safety
- CIVE 402: Civil Engineering Design II
- CIVE 489: Senior Design Project
- CNST 444: Construction Site Safety Management
- CNST 480: Productivity and Human Factors in Construction
- CNST 489: Senior Construction Project
- CRIM 496: Issues in Crime and Justice
- CSCE 486: Computer Science Professional Development
- CSCE 486H: Honors Computer Science Professional Development
- CSCE 487: Computer Science Senior Design Project
- CSCE 487H: Honors Computer Science Senior Design Project
- CSCE 488: Computer Engineering Professional Development
- CSCE 488H: Honors Computer Engineering Professional Development
- CSCE 489: Computer Engineering Senior Design Project
- CSCE 489H: Honors Computer Engineering Senior Design Project
- CSCE 493: Innovation Lab Project
- CSCE 493A: Interdisciplinary Capstone
- CYAF 382: Working with Parents
- CYAF 413: Global Case Studies in Refugee Health & Wellbeing
- CYAF 474: Assessment in Early Childhood
- DSGN 110: Design Thinking
- DSGN 410: Design Studio: Collaborate
- ECEN 495: Electrical Engineering Capstone II
- ECON 315: Economic Data Visualization and Analysis
- ENVE 402: Environmental Engineering Design II
- ENVR 319: Environmental Engagement and the Community
- FDST 280: Contemporary Issues in Food Science
- FDST 460: Food Product Development Concepts I
- FORS 485: Current Issues in Forensic Science
- GRPH 428: Design Studio II: Design Capstone
- HRTM 373: Catering Management
- HRTM 489: Advanced Event Operations
- INTF 25: International Professional Development Experience: Yeutter Policy Fellowship I
- INTF 26: International Professional Development Experience: Yeutter Policy Fellowship II
- JOMC 134: Visual Communication Project
- JOMC 197: Experience Lab
- JOMC 297: Experience Lab
- JOMC 397: Experience Lab
- JOMC 497: Experience Lab
- JOUR 400: Media Capstone
- MATH 435: Math in the City
- MNGT 360: Managing Behavior in Organizations
- MNGT 475: Business Strategies
- MNGT 475H: Honors: Business Strategies
- MRKT 442: Marketing Management
- NRES 130: People of Great Plains
- NRES 260: Introduction to Conservation Photography
- NRES 428: Leadership in Public Organizations
- NRES 496: Independent Study
- NSST 397: Professional Practice
- NUTR 400: Planning and Implementation of Health Promotion Programs
- NUTR 420: Molecular Nutrition
- NUTR 440: Research Critiques in Extracellular Vesicles
- NUTR 445: Obesity Diseases and Human Health
- NUTR 486: Exercise Testing and Exercise Programming in Adult Fitness and Cardiac Rehabilitation
- PGAM 401: PGA Golf Management
- POLS 297: Legislative Page Program
- RAIK 401H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio I
- RAIK 402H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio II
- RAIK 403H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio III
- RAIK 404H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio IV
- SCMA 454: Business Analytics Applications in Practice
- SLPA 251: Normal Language Development
- SLPA 421: Professional Issues for the Communication Disorders Specialist
- SLPA 441: Methods for the Communication Disorders Specialist
- SLPA 450: Audiology for Educators of the Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- SLPA 453: Neurological Foundations of Speech and Language
- SLPA 454: Research Methodology in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
- SLPA 455: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms
- SLPA 461: Language Disorders: Preschool Level
- SLPA 461L: Language Disorders: Preschool Level Lab
- SLPA 464: Speech Sound Disorders
- SLPA 486: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- SLPA 488: Linguistic Needs of Bilingual and Culturally Different Students
- SOFT 403: Software Engineering Capstone I
- SOFT 403H: Honors: Software Engineering Capstone I
- SOFT 404: Software Engineering Capstone II
- SOFT 404H: Honors: Software Engineering Capstone II
- SPED 310: Collaborative Practices
- SPED 454: Behavior Management
- SPMC 450: Sports Media and Communication Capstone
- TEAC 330: Multicultural Education
- TEAC 331: School and Society
- TEAC 452: Curriculum Principles and Practices
- TEAC 452J: Curriculum Principles and Practices - Business Education
- TEAC 452M: Curriculum Principles and Practices - Industrial Education
- TEAC 452N: Curriculum Principles and Practices Secondary Language
- TEAC 452P: Curriculum Principles and Practices Secondary Mathematics
- TEAC 452R: Curriculum Principles and Practices Secondary Modern Languages
- TEAC 452V: Curriculum Principles and Practices Secondary Science
- TEAC 452W: Curriculum Principles and Practices Secondary Social Science
- TMFD 112: Product Development I: Garment Assembly
- TMFD 206: Textiles
- TMFD 212: Product Development II: Apparel Analysis and Development
- TMFD 213: Merchandising I: Textile and Apparel Industry
- TMFD 420: Launch a Product in a Semester
- WMNS 210: Activism and Feminist Communities
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience
- WMNS 203: Storytelling as Resistance: Gender, Race, and Sexuality
Community Engagement
- ALEC 102: Interpersonal Skills for Leadership
- ALEC 466: Leadership and Diversity in Organizations and Communities
- COMM 311: Intercultural and Intergroup Communication
- COMM 315: The Empathy Project
- COMM 360: Dialogue Across Difference
- ENGL 482: Literacy Issues and Community
- ENGR 100: Interpersonal Skills for Engineering Leaders
- HIST 448: History Harvest
- MNGT 411: Philanthropy and Leadership
- MODL 260: Becoming American: How Identities are Created and Re-Created
- NRES 322: Environmental Education Curricula
- NRES 434: Environmental Education and Interpretation
- SPAN 205: Spanish for Medicine and Healthcare
- SPAN 206: Spanish for Law
- SPAN 306: Speaking Proficiency and Textual Analysis
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience
Creative Activity
- ARTP 151: Color and Composition
- ARTP 152: Three Dimensional Design
- ARTP 400: Capstone Art Experience
- COMM 290: University Speech and Debate Seminar
- DANC 112: Beginning Modern Dance
- DANC 360: Repertory, Improvisation and Performance
- EMAR 251: Sound Lab
- EMAR 479: Capstone Project in Emerging Media Arts
- ENGL 355: Editing and the Publishing Industry
- ENTO 395C: Experiential Learning for Career Development in Insect Science Extension Experience
- MUSC 274: Beginning Conducting
- MUSR 90: Recital in Applied Music
- THEA 201: Technical Theatre Practice
- THEA 351: Camera Acting III
- THEA 460: Performance Lab
- TMFD 121: Visual Communication with Animation
- TMFD 250: Creative Direction, Styling, and Fashion Events
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience
Education Abroad
- AGRI 310: Study Tours in International Agriculture
- BSAD 60: Global Learning Experience
- CASC 392: Special Topics: Learning Abroad
- CASC 92: Learning Abroad
- COMM 391: Learning Abroad
- CRIM 471: Comparative Criminal Justice Systems: England
- CYAF 482A: Learning Abroad with Child, Youth and Family Studies
- ENGR 490: Global Experiences
- GLST 391: Learning Abroad
- NRES 492: International Study Tours in Natural Resource Management
- UGEP 225: CAST Global Perspectives in Singapore: Culture, the Arts, and Society
- UGEP 250: Global Awareness Through Education Abroad
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience
- AGRI 311: Study Tours in US Agriculture
- ANTH 297: Fieldwork
- ANTH 497: Advanced Fieldwork
- ASCI 150: Animal Production Skills
- ASCI 300A: Principles of Meat Evaluation, Grading and Judging
- ASCI 300B: Principles of Livestock Evaluation and Judging
- ASCI 300D: Principles of Meat Animal Evaluation
- ASCI 300E: Principles of Horse Evaluation and Judging
- ASCI 311A: Equine Industry Study Tour
- ASCI 311E: Beef Industry Study Tour
- ASCI 400B: Advanced Livestock Evaluation and Judging
- ASCI 400E: Advanced Horse Evaluation and Judging
- ASCI 482: Beef Industry Scholars - National Beef Industry Policy
- BIOS 452: Field Epidemiology
- BIOS 453: Predator Ecology
- BIOS 475: Avian Biology
- BIOS 487: Field Parasitology
- CNST 131: Introduction to the Construction Industry
- CNST 495: Internship
- ECON 471: Public Finance
- ECON 472: Efficiency in Government
- ENTR 322: Family Business
- ENTR 421: Identifying and Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities
- GEOG 497: Geography Field Tour
- GEOL 260: Geology of the Western USA
- GEOL 460: Summer Field Course
- MRKT 491: International Studies in Business and Marketing
- NRES 233: Wildlife Field Techniques
- NRES 279: Soil Evaluation
- NRES 374: Field Herpetology
- NRES 379: Advanced Soil Evaluation
- NRES 463L: Fisheries Science Lab
- NRES 481K: Stream and River Ecology
- NRES 493: Experiences in Natural Resources
- TMFD 492: Professional Study Tour – International or Domestic
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience
Internship or Co-op
- AECN 495A: Internship in Agricultural Financing and Banking
- AECN 495B: Internship in Food Products Marketing Management
- AECN 495C: Internship in Agricultural and Public Policy
- AECN 495D: Internship in Commodity Marketing
- AECN 495E: Internship in Agricultural Industry and Agribusiness
- AGRI 395: Applied Science Internship
- AGST 395: Internship in Agricultural Systems Technology
- ALEC 337: Instructional Internship in Leadership Development
- ASCI 395A: Experiential Learning for Career Development in Animal Sciences - Industry Experiences
- ASCI 395B: Extension and Service Experiences
- BIOC 95: Biochemistry Internship
- BSAD 395: Professional Internship
- CASC 395: Internship
- CASC 95: Internship in Arts and Sciences
- CRIM 397: Internship in Criminal Justice
- CSCE 495: Internship in Computing Practice
- CYAF 497D: Community Internship in Child, Youth and Family Studies
- ECEN 395: Electrical and Computer Engineering Internship Educational Experience
- ENGR 395: Engineering Internship
- ENTO 309: Career Experience
- ENVR 495: Internship in Environmental & Sustainability Studies
- GERO 494: Practicum
- GIST 395: Internship
- HRHA 495: Internship in Human Rights
- HRTM 476: Internship in Hospitality Management
- INTF 395: Internship in International Trade
- JOMC 495: Internship for Credit
- METR 495: Internship in Meteorology-Climatology
- MRKT 372: Sales Practicum II
- MRKT 395: Professional Marketing Internship
- NRES 497: Career Experiences in Natural Resource Sciences
- PLAS 295: Internship
- PLAS 395A: Internship in Agronomy
- PLAS 395B: Internship in Horticulture
- PLAS 395M: Internship in Landscape Design and Management
- PLAS 395T: Internship in Turfgrass Science and Management
- POLS 395: Internship in Political Science
- SOCI 395: Internship in Sociology
- TMFD 495: Internship
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience
- (none yet)
- AHIS 400: Art History Capstone Experience
- ANTH 487A: Analysis of Archaeological Materials - Ceramics
- ANTH 487B: Analysis of Archaeological Materials - Lithics
- BIOC 98: Biochemistry Research Experience
- BIOC 498: Undergraduate Research in Biochemistry
- BIOS 489: Ichthyology
- BIOS 498: Independent Research in Biological Sciences
- CASC 98: Undergraduate Research Experience
- CASC 99: Undergraduate Thesis
- CHEM 398: Undergraduate Research in Chemistry
- CNST 434: The Design-Build Project Delivery System
- COMM 398: Research Assistantship in Communication Studies
- CRIM 398: Research Internship
- CYAF 396: Independent Study in Child, Youth and Family Studies
- CYAF 396H: Honors: Independent Study in Child, Youth and Family Studies
- CYAF 496: Advanced Independent Study
- CYAF 498: UCARE, REU, Non-UCARE Research Experience in Child, Youth and Family Studies
- CYAF 499H: Honors Thesis
- ECEN 399: Undergraduate Research
- ECON 417: Introductory Econometrics
- ECON 445: Economics of Gender and Race
- ENGL 380: Writing Center Theory, Practice, and Research
- ENGL 478: Digital Archives and Editions
- ENTO 395A: Experiential Learning for Career Development in Insect Science Research Experience
- ENTR 423: Business Plan Development and Decision Making
- ENVR 489H: Honors: Environmental Studies Senior Thesis I
- GRAS 398R: Research Experiences in Grasslands
- MATH 398: Research Experience in Mathematics
- MBIO 498: Independent Research
- METR 442: Advanced Synoptic Meteorology-Climatology
- METR 463: Radar Meteorology
- METR 470: The Climate System: Analysis and Prediction
- NRES 399: Independent Research
- NRES 399A: Global Independent Research
- NRES 499: Thesis Research
- NRES 499H: Honors Thesis
- NUTR 404: Evaluation and Research Related to Health Promotion
- NUTR 498: Research Experiences
- NUTR 498B: Global Research Experiences in Nutrition and Health
- NUTR 499H: Honors Thesis
- PHIL 400: Undergraduate Seminar in Philosophy
- POLS 498: Research in Political Science
- PSYC 498: Undergraduate Research
- POLS 450: Conducting Research in Political Psychology
- SLPA 494: Independent Study
- SLPA 499H: Honors Thesis
- SOCI 333: Applied Research in Public Opinion
- SOCI 398: Undergraduate Research
- SPED 498: Research Other than Thesis
- SPED 499H: Honors Thesis
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience
Student Teaching or Education Practicum
- ALEC 431: Student Teaching
- ASCI 395E: Experiential Learning for Career Development in Animal Science
- ATHC 494: Practicum in Coaching
- BIOS 397A: Anatomy and/or Physiology Practicum
- COMM 310: Communication and Mentorship
- CYAF 210L: Applied Methods of Social Emotional Development and Guidance
- CYAF 270L: Development of the Preschool Child-Laboratory
- CYAF 271L: Infancy Laboratory
- CYAF 297J: Professional Practicum Experience I
- CYAF 305: ECEMS: Practicum I
- CYAF 307: ECEMS: Practicum Experiences with Young Children
- CYAF 371L: Working with Infants in Programs & Communities Practicum
- CYAF 374L: Curriculum Planning in Early Childhood Education Laboratory
- CYAF 397D: Inclusive Early Childhood Education School-Aged Practicum (Unified/Inclusive K-3)
- CYAF 397J: Professional Practicum Experience II
- CYAF 410: ECEMS - Senior Capstone
- CYAF 497A: Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education: Preschool
- CYAF 497J: Student Teaching in Family and Consumer Sciences
- EDPS 297: Professional Practicum Experiences II
- ENGL 357: Composition Theory and Practice
- ENGL 377: Reading Theory and Practice
- ENGR 447: Multi-disciplinary Engineering Capstone
- ENTO 395B: Experiential Learning for Career Development in Insect Science Teaching Experience
- ENTR 321B: Foundations of Entrepreneurship
- MATH 97: Assisted Learning for University Mathematics
- MECH 446: Mechanical Engineering Design I
- MECH 446H: Honors: Mechanical Engineering Design I
- MECH 447: Mechanical Engineering Design II
- MECH 447H: Honors: Mechanical Engineering Design II
- MNGT 321B: Foundations of Entrepreneurship
- MNGT 451: Strengths Coaching, Theory and Practice
- MRKT 490: Special Topics in Marketing
- PSYC 97: Instructional Assistantship
- PSYC 497: Instructional Assistantship
- SCMA 474: Strategic Supply Chain Management
- SPED 397: Professional Practicum Experience III
- SPED 403: Seminar: General Special Education
- SPED 415A: Practicum in Reading and Writing Disabilities-Elementary
- SPED 480: Educating Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities
- SPED 497: Student Teaching
- TEAC 197: Professional Practicum Experiences
- TEAC 259A: Instructional Technology in Elementary Schools
- TEAC 259B: Practicum in Instructional Technology
- TEAC 297: Professional Practicum Experiences II
- TEAC 297A: Professional Practicum Experiences II Elementary
- TEAC 297B: Professional Practicum Experiences II Elementary
- TEAC 297E: Practicum in Teaching English Language Learners in Elementary Schools
- TEAC 297I: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Art
- TEAC 297J: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Business Education
- TEAC 297M: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Industrial Education
- TEAC 297N: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Language Arts
- TEAC 297O: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Marketing Education
- TEAC 297P: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Mathematics
- TEAC 297R: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Modern Languages
- TEAC 297V: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Science
- TEAC 297W: Professional Practicum Experiences II Secondary Social Science
- TEAC 380: Health and Wellness the Elementary Classroom
- TEAC 397: Professional Practicum Experience III
- TEAC 397A: Professional Practicum Experience III Elementary
- TEAC 397D: Professional Practicum Experience III: Unified Primary K-3
- TEAC 397J: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Business Education
- TEAC 397L: Professional Practicum Experience III Information Technology
- TEAC 397M: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Industrial Education
- TEAC 397N: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Language Arts
- TEAC 397O: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Marketing Education
- TEAC 397P: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Mathematics
- TEAC 397R: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Modern Languages
- TEAC 397V: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Science
- TEAC 397W: Professional Practicum Experience III Secondary Social Science
- TEAC 403: Student Teaching Seminar
- TEAC 403A: Student Teaching Capstone Seminar
- TEAC 403B: Secondary Student Teaching Seminar
- TEAC 403I: Student Teaching Seminar : Art K-12
- TEAC 403N: Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary Language Arts
- TEAC 403P: Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary Math
- TEAC 403R: Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary Modern Language
- TEAC 403V: Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary Science
- TEAC 403W: Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary Social Science
- TEAC 416: Inclusive Early Childhood Methods
- TEAC 416A: Literacy Methods for the Primary Student: K to 3rd
- TEAC 416B: Social Studies and Science Methods for the Primary Student: K to 3rd
- TEAC 497A: Student Teaching Elementary (K-6)
- TEAC 497B: Student Teaching Elementary Art
- TEAC 497E: Student Teaching English as a Second Language
- TEAC 497G: Student Teaching Elementary Foreign Language
- TEAC 497J: Student Teaching - Secondary Business Education
- TEAC 497M: Student Teaching: Secondary Industrial Education
- TEAC 497N: Student Teaching: Secondary Language Arts
- TEAC 497O: Student Teaching: Secondary Marketing Education
- TEAC 497P: Student Teaching Secondary Mathematics
- TEAC 497R: Student Teaching Secondary Modern Language
- TEAC 497V: Student Teaching Secondary Science
- TEAC 497W: Student Teaching Secondary Social Science
- TEAC 497Y: Student Teaching Mainstreaming
- TEAC 497Z: Student Teaching Multicultural
- UHON 99H: Honors Experience