Course Policies and Resources

All students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln should be aware of the following university-wide course policies and resources.

Attendance Policy

Your instructor may have indicated on their syllabus an attendance policy specific to their class. If so, that is the policy with which you must comply. If no other policy is stated, the University-wide attendance policy will apply. You can find the full class attendance policy online.

Academic Integrity Policy

As a student at the University of Nebraska, you are a member of an academic community in which academic integrity and responsible conduct are essential for the community to function. To ensure all that students know what is expected of them, the University has adopted Standards of Academic Integrity and Responsible Conduct. You can find the University-wide standards for academic integrity and responsible conduct online. Your instructor may have specified on their syllabus additional expectations and consequences for academic dishonesty that apply to their class.

Services for Students with Disabilities

The University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let your instructor know immediately so that you can discuss options privately. To establish reasonable accommodations, your instructor may request that you register with Services for Students with Disabilities. If you are eligible for services and register with the office, make arrangements with your instructor as soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so they can be implemented in a timely manner. SSD is located in 117 Louise Pound Hall and can be reached at 402-472-3787.

If you are a student on the UNO campus, you may register for accommodations at the Accessibility Services Center, which is located at 104 H&K Building and can be reached by calling 402-554-2872.

Mental Health and Well-Being Resources

UNL offers a variety of options to students to aid in dealing with stress and adversity. Counseling and Psychological & Services is a multidisciplinary team of psychologists and counselors that works collaboratively to help you explore your feelings and thoughts and learn helpful ways to improve your mental, psychological and emotional well-being when issues arise. CAPS can be reached at 402-472-7450.

The Well-Being Collective offers a wide range of additional resources to support your well-being as a student at UNL. Their resources include an eight-dimensional approach to support the emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual factors that impact your well-being. The full range of the available resources is found at 8 Dimensions of Well-Being.

On the UNO campus, the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) office can be reached at 402-554-2409. The UNO Wellness Center provides a variety of wellness resources and can be reached by calling 402-554-2539.

Final Exam Schedule (15th Week Policy)

Final examinations for full semester classes are to be given ONLY at the regularly scheduled time as listed on the Final Exam Schedule webpage or at another time DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all concerned — i.e., the professor(s)/instructor(s) for a given course/course section as well as all students enrolled in that course/course section.

The only examinations that may be given during the last week (15th week) of classes are: laboratory practical examinations; make-up or repeat examinations; or self-paced examinations. However, the following must be applied: Projects, papers, and speeches scheduled for completion during the last week (15th week) of classes must have been assigned in writing by the end of the eighth week and must be completed no later than Wednesday of the 15th week. This stipulation refers to the project and its scope, but not the topic. Furthermore, ALL requirements, except for the final exam, must be completed no later than Wednesday of the 15th week. However, if the instructor is replacing the final exam with either a project, paper, or speech, the due date for the assignment can be any time during the 15th week or during finals week (providing that the assignment has been given by the eighth week). The exception to this is a class meeting one day a week on a Thursday or Friday for which all policies/requirements are shifted to either a Thursday or Friday, respectively. You can find the full 15th Week Policy online.

Complaints about failure to follow the above outlined procedures should be made immediately. Complaints should first be made directly to the instructor of the course in which the violation has occurred or is likely to occur. This could be done by simply directing the instructor's attention to the 15th Week policy statement. If the problem cannot be worked out, the student may inform the President of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska of the progress of the complaint and request aid in correcting the problem. If corrective actions are not taken within two days, the complaint should be submitted to the department chair or head by the student or the ASUN representative on behalf of the student. If the chair/head is unable or unwilling to resolve the complaint within two days, the complaint should be submitted to the College Dean, and if the Dean is unable or unwilling to resolve the problem within two days, the student, or the ASUN representative on behalf of the student should appeal to the Director of Undergraduate Education Programs within the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor. Resolving the complaint should in no case take longer than eight working days.

Students may also find this additional information beneficial.

Emergency Procedures (On Campus)

Stay connected by registering for safety alerts on the UNL Campus at and on the UNO campus by texting "unoalert" to 79516.

Call 911 for fire or medical emergencies. UNL Campus Police can be reached at 402-472-2222 and UNO Campus Police at 402-554-2911.

Consult the UNL Emergency Preparedness Resources website at for measures to be taken in emergency situations.

Diversity & Inclusiveness

UNL values diversity in the broadest sense – gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, physical and intellectual ability, religion, education and geography. We believe that acknowledging, building understanding and incorporating diversity throughout the curriculum will best prepare you for a career in a global society. The inclusive learning environment we seek to foster is one where diverse perspectives are recognized and respected, and therefore conversations within your course must be civil and respectful of individual ideas, experiences, and beliefs that may be different from your own. To challenge ideas or beliefs in a manner that is considerate of the individual expressing them is encouraged, but disrespect or hostility toward any person is not acceptable behavior in the classroom. According to the University of Nebraska Student Code of Conduct, behavior that is harassing, serves no legitimate purpose, and terrifies, threatens or intimidates a reasonable person is prohibited. Students who engage in such behavior will be asked to leave the classroom and a referral to Student Conduct & Community Standards may occur.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Discrimination on the basis of sex is prohibited by federal law. All members of the university community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains an environment free from sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct, which includes domestic violence, dating violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking, is unacceptable behavior under University of Nebraska policy and against the law.

All individuals are expected to promptly report conduct that may violate the university’s Sexual Misconduct Policy to the university. Sexual misconduct can be reported to the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance at 402-472-3417,, by visiting 128 Canfield Administration Building North, or submitting a UNL Report.

If you or someone you know experiences sexual misconduct, multiple resources and supportive measures are available on the IEC website.