The University of Nebraska–Lincoln announces faculty receiving promotion and/or tenure in 2023.
See who was awarded in
Stacy Adams
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Professor of Practice
Herita Akamah
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Sophie Alvarez
Center for Biotechnology
Promoted to Research Professor
Troy Anderson
Promoted to Professor
Peter Angeletti
Biological Sciences
Promoted to Professor
Edward Balistreri
Promoted to Professor
Matthew Barrows
Architectural Engineering and Construction
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Andrea Basche
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Brian Baugh
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Ben Beckman
Nebraska Extension Engagement Zone 5
Promoted to Associate Extension Educator
Christopher Bohn
School of Computing
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Allison Bonander
Communication Studies
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Marc Brennan
Special Education and Communication Disorders
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Kyle Broderick
Plant Pathology
Promoted to Associate Extension Educator
Kathy Burr
4-H Youth Development
Promoted to Associate Extension Educator
Mary Alice Casto
Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Nathan Conner
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
Promoted to Professor
Jessica Corman
Natural Resources
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Dawne Curry
History & Ethnic Studies
Promoted to Professor
Sruti Das Choudhury
Natural Resources
Promoted to Research Associate Professor
Bedross Der Matossian
Promoted to Professor
Aaron Duncan
Communication Studies
Promoted to Professor of Practice
Katie Edwards
Educational Psychology
Promoted to Professor
Kerry Elsen
4-H Youth Development
Promoted to Associate Extension Educator
Jean Ann Fischer
Nutrition and Health Sciences
Promoted to Extension Educator
Saundra Frerichs
4-H Youth Development
Promoted to Extension Associate Professor
Yufeng Ge
Biological Systems Engineering
Promoted to Professor
Alisa Gilmore
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Promoted to Professor of Practice
Bradley Goetsch
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Frank Golf
Physics and Astronomy
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Matthew Gormley
Educational Psychology
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Richard Graham
Promoted to Professor
Patricio Grassini
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Professor
Kevin Hanrahan
Promoted to Professor
Carrie Hanson-Bradley
Child, Youth and Family Studies
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Lindsay Hastings
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
Promoted to Professor
Tomas Helikar
Promoted to Professor
Kathryn Holland
Psychology & Women's and Gender Studies
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Peisi Huang
Physics and Astronomy
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Amit Jhala
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Professor
Alice Kang
Political Science & Ethnic Studies
Promoted to Professor
Emily Kazyak
Sociology & Women's and Gender Studies
Promoted to Professor
Seunghee Kim
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Dawn Kopacz
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Brett Kreifels
4-H Youth Development
Promoted to Associate Extension Educator
Brandon Kreiling
Architectural Engineering and Construction
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Alok Kumar
Promoted to Professor
Rebecca Lai
Promoted to Professor
Matthew Lambert
Special Education and Communication Disorders
Promoted to Professor
Liz Lorang
Promoted to Professor
Audra Losey
Nebraska Extension Engagement Zone 9
Promoted to Extension Educator
Joe Luck
Biological Systems Engineering
Promoted to Professor
Marc Maguire
Architectural Engineering and Construction
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Kaustav Majumder
Food Science and Technology
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Dennis McChargue
Promoted to Professor
Kristi Montooth
Biological Sciences
Promoted to Professor
Martha Morton
Promoted to Research Professor
Shane Moser
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Beth Nacke
Nebraska Extension Engagement Zone 8
Promoted to Associate Extension Educator
Michael Naldrett
Center for Biotechnology
Promoted to Research Associate Professor
Yunwoo Nam
Community and Regional Planning
Promoted to Professor
Siamak Nejati
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
David Newton
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Jae Sung Park
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Julie Peterson
Promoted to Professor
Wen Qian
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Promoted to Research Associate Professor
Xin Qiao
Biological Systems Engineering
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Vish Reddi
Architectural Engineering and Construction
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Dipak Santra
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Professor
Erin Sayer
Promoted to Professor of Practice
Amy Schmidt
Biological Systems Engineering
Promoted to Professor
Karina Schoengold
Agricultural Economics
Promoted to Professor
Anthony B. Schutz
Promoted to Professor
Zhigang Shen
Architectural Engineering and Construction
Promoted to Professor
Yeyin Shi
Biological Systems Engineering
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Sandra Starkey
Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Jeffrey Stevens
Promoted to Professor
Ryan P. Sullivan
Promoted to Professor
Mark Svoboda
Natural Resources
Promoted to Professor and Granted Tenure
Todd Thornock
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Dirac Twidwell
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Professor
Carlos Urrea
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Professor
Stephanie Valentine
Raikes School
Promoted to Associate Professor of Practice
Ana Maria Velez Arango
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Liying Wang
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Eric Weaver
Biological Sciences
Promoted to Professor
Biyu Wu
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Jinliang Yang
Agronomy and Horticulture
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Yanbin Yin
Food Science and Technology
Promoted to Professor
Jiujiu Yu
Nutrition and Health Sciences
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Kuan Zhang
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure
Jinying Zhu
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Promoted to Professor
Shengchao Zhuang
Promoted to Associate Professor and Granted Tenure